© 2002-2014 Dr Josef
Web Sites of International Inter-religious Organisations
World Conference on Religions and Peace (New York, USA)
United Religions Initiative (San Francisco, USA
International Interfaith Centre (Oxford, England)
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (Chicago, USA)
The Elijah Interfaith Institute
(Jerusalem, Israel)
Temple of Understanding (New York, USA)
World Congress of Faiths (Oxford, England)
International Association for Religious Freedom (Oxford, England)
Web Sites of Local, National and Regional Inter-religious
The Inter Faith Network for the UK
North American Interfaith Network
The Interfaith Encounter Association
Interfaith Center of New York (USA)
Issues in Inter-religious Relations
Dialogue Institute (Temple University, USA)
Foundation Global Ethic (Tuebingen, Germany)
World Faiths Development Dialogue
Inter-religious Journals
Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue
Studies in
Interreligious Dialogue